I’m Intuitive and I Know It

BLOG / Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

How to get there

By Alison James

You know you know it yet don’t believe. How often have you found yourself saying “Oh I imagined that” only to have it become your personal truth. Intuition is that small voice inside your soul that has a tendency to ignore oneself as it does not play well with reason and logic. Leave the mind out of it.

You’ve watched the television shows heard the radio programs and wish you were them, the Master Psychics and Mediums. Well you already are in your personal world. How did they get there you ask… practice and then more practice. Not everyone will find themselves in the Intuitive business professionally and first you must understand yourself before delving into another’s soul which is a big responsibility. The key to using your intuition is to understand how you personally receive what you receive, in other words how do you “get it?”

There are six ways of receiving Psychic information; CLAIRCOGNIZANCE- Clear knowing, you just know it. CLAIRVOYANCE- Clear seeing which transfer of information that is previously unknown from you. CLAIRSENTIENCE- Clear feeling. You feel the vibrations (frequency) energy of others, also heard of being a psychic sponge. CLAIRAUDIENCE- Clear hearing, this is essentially the ability to hear in a non-ordinary way, not the actual perception of sound. CLAIRESSENCE- Clear smelling, you access psychic knowledge through the physical sense of smell and in a non-ordinary ways. CLAIRGUSTANCE- Clear tasting, you taste substances without putting anything into your mouth. You may have one or many ways you receive your information.

You’ve heard the saying fake it until you make it, well that applies to intuition. Ask yourself these two questions, did I imagine it then get it or did I get it than imagine it? The second is your natural Intuition; however the first may get you there as well. As I say accept it first as truth then try to prove it wrong. Intuition will always seem first and is always 100% correct for you once you are clear on how you get what you get. Trust is a big piece in the understanding your psychic abilities.

With practice you become more adept with accepting what it is that you receive and how it manifests for you. A fun way to practice is to have a friend draw a simple drawing say of a brown furry kitten and write the word love and peaches and purring. Huh? Let me explain. Brown= color, kitten= baby animal, love= feeling, peaches= taste and finally purring= sound. Have your friend place this drawing into a sealed envelope and have them continue to think about what they drew. They’ll present this envelope to you and without opening, immediately without judgments tell your friend what you get without them validating yet or you can write it down. Than when you feel completed with the task at hand have your friend confirm what you said then open the envelope. This is an ancient practice called a billet and one of the best ways of trusting and developing your inner knowingness. You must trust it and feel it in your soul and move to your own soul’s beat as each person is unique in the way your intuition works.

One of the hardest abilities is Clairvoyance I have had many a student tell a class they got nothing then go on to say they felt this, saw that and heard a sound and smelt a cigar  like they got nothing right, that is when other students shake their heads and say I wish I got your nothing! It is that small quiet voice inside you that is called intuition and it can be pretty subtle lacking drama yet is perfectly correct. Again reason and logic will not apply you just know. TRUST and PRACTICE are the keys to developing your personal intuition and know. It may not be even close to how another gets what they get. You’re intuitive and now you know it.

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