Laura R

/ Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

Laura R

Alison James reading had a profound affect your reading had for me back in July 2002. I’d been feeling emotionally stuck about this relationship I was in that was transitioning without my full acceptance. After the reading it just unstuck. Just like that. Freed to go where it would without my plexing, resisting, bumming. Eventually seeing each other again, but I've never felt that emotionally yucky attachment since!
Alison James
Alison James reading had a profound affect your reading had for me back in July 2002. I’d been feeling emotionally stuck about this relationship I was in that was transitioning without my full acceptance. After the reading it just unstuck. Just like that. Freed to go where it would without my plexing, resisting, bumming. Eventually seeing each other again, but I've never felt that emotionally yucky attachment since!